All Saints’ Pre-School

All Saints Pre-School is a registered charity #1027855

Blackwell Hall, 90 Uxbridge Road
Harrow Weald, HA3 6DQ
Call us on 0208 954 9061
Mobile: 07531511388
Please contact us if you require any information regarding place availability for the next intake of pupils or would like to speak/email All Saints Pre-School.
We endeavour to contact you within two working days by a member of staff. If you would like to visit/view our preschool this is by mutual appointment only. Look forward to hearing from you. Deepa Sharma – All Saints Pre-School Manager Tel: 0208 954 9061
Mob: 07531511388

Early Years Foundation Stage
All activities in the pre-school support the seven areas of learning which form the essential basis for later stage studies in school and beyond. Observations, Learning Journeys, which are written and pictorial evidence of their progression, development and achievements and records, are kept of all children by their key person to help their further development these records are kept confidential between parent/carer and staff, which we hope you will add too as well, while your child is in the pre-school.
When they move onto their next setting, nursery or reception class, the key worker and parents together fill out a ‘Next Steps for Learning’ to ensure continuity of education.
The Prime areas are fundamental, work together and move through to support development in all other areas, they are:
1) Personal, social and emotional development.
2) Communication and language.
3) Physical development.
The specific areas include essential skills and knowledge for children to participate successfully in society, they are:
4) Literacy.
5) Mathematics.
6) Understanding of the World.
7) Expressive Arts and Design The principles which guide the work of all early years practioners are grouped into four themes:
1) A unique child.
2) Positive relationships.
3) Enabling environments.
4) Learning and development.
2yr old progress checks.
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) requires that parents and carers must be supplied with a short written summery of their child’s development in the three prime learning and development areas of the EYFS: Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development and Communication and Language, when the child is aged between 24-36 months. In accordance with the Local Authority we carry out and record a two year old progress check on the three areas with the support of the parents/carers, this is photo copied, with one copy for your child’s progress file, one copy for your red book and one copy is sent to a Health Visitor.
We have been regularly collecting evidence quotes from parents twice a year.
From end of first Term: secure location…. “all children happy and encouraged “ ‘Genuine caring people…very safe and secure…very professional pre-school’ ‘I really like the nursery and the staff, how its run. The staff really think about the children and what they like’ ‘she has developed well in all areas, she couldn’t have had a better start’

‘a lovely atmosphere with emphasis on play….excellent staff and manager make it a wonderful place to be ‘

‘interesting and varied activities….staff patient and friendly, did their best to make him feel at home…the leader’s leadership and dedication are outstanding, this filters through all the staff…ready for school because everyone at All-Saints has done such a great job’

‘dedication of staff…..for providing a fantastic environment for my child, enjoys..pre-school immensely…will recommend any day’

‘children get a lot of 1:1.overall very nice friendly pre school……work well together ….I would recommend All Saints’